Home of the Slaughterhouse Seven

1974 to 2009
Logo of the Slaughterhouse Seven

Welcome to the home of the Slaughterhouse Seven - Chuff Byrne's jazz band that ran from 1974 to 2009.  

This website is intended to be a place to bring former band members together.  If you'd like to, fill in the form on the Contact page, and with your permission I will email you about any future reunions, etc. Additionally, Chuff has given me copies of the albums we made, posters, newspaper articles and so on, so that I can act as a central point of distribution.

Also check out the News page, if you'd like me to add something to this, again get in touch via the contact form.


Matt (Piano 1990-1992)

A combination of newspaper articles showing the charity fund raising by the Slaughterhouse Seven over the years
Pictures of some of the albums the Slaughterhouse Seven have made over the years.
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